ViaggieMiraggi at BMT, the Mediterranean Tourism Exchange


ViaggieMiraggi will attend the Mediterranean Tourism Exchange, the leading trade fair that every year sees the large participation of tour operators from all over Italy.

The BMT It is held at the fairgrounds: Overseas Exhibition of Naples, Located in the Fuorigrotta and takes place in the halls identified by the numbers 6, 5, 4 e 3.

The pedestrian entrance to the fair site Viale Kennedy, it leads into the first exhibition hall, number 6.

Find us at the Regione Campania’s booth.


Dettagli Evento

  • Dove?  Mostra d’Oltremare Napoli. Naples, Viale Kennedy 54
  • Quando? Saturday 24 March 2018
  • Ore? 9:30 - 18:30
  • Costa?